4. API overview
Action operations
API | Description |
GET v1/actions
Get all actions available in the system. |
GET v1/actions/{actionId}
Get a specific action. |
Activity log filters are used to remove activity logs that should not cause a warning for the backup node
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/activitylogfilters
Get a list of all filters related to a backup node of a consumer |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/activitylogfilters/{activityLogFilterId}
Get a filter related to a backup node of a consumer |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/activitylogfilters
Create a filter and at it to the back up node of a consumer |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/activitylogfilters/{activityLogFilterId}
Update a filter |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/activitylogfilters/{activityLogFilterId}
Delete a filter |
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Get all reports for each day in the period. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreports/{reportDate}?startDate={startDate}
Get information about all activity within a given period. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reports/latest
Gets the latest created report |
activity report subscriptions enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreportsubscriptions
Get all activity report subscriptions of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreportsubscriptions/{ActivityReportSubscriptionId}
Get a activity report subscription |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreportsubscriptions
Create a activity report subscription for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreportsubscriptions/{ActivityReportSubscriptionId}
Update a activity report subscription |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreportsubscriptions/{activityReportSubscriptionId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/activityreportsubscriptions/{ActivityReportSubscriptionId}
Delete a activity report subscription |
Business units can have multiple addresses and some are used for different things, e.g. invoicing.
API | Description |
GET v1/addresstypes
Get the available AddressTypes. |
GET v1/addresstypes/{addressTypeId}
Get an AddressType. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/addresses
Get all addresses of a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/addresses/{addressId}
Get a single address of a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/addresses
Create an address. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/addresses/{addressId}
Updates an existing address. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/addresses/{addressId}
Deletes an address. |
Business units can have multiple addresses and some are used for different things, e.g. invoicing.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/analytics/nodes?analyticsDate={analyticsDate}
Get node reports for all nodes of the business unit and its descendants. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/analytics/datasources?analyticsDate={analyticsDate}
Get node reports for all data-sources of the business unit and its descendants. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/analytics/businessunits?analyticsDate={analyticsDate}
Get analytics for business unit and its descendants. |
End points for applications
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/applications
Get all applications of a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/applications/{applicationId}
Get a single application of a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/applications
Create an application. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/applications/{applicationId}
Update an application. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/applications/{applicationId}
Deletes an application. |
Whenever the state of a Cloutility object is changed by a user, an audit log is saved. This controller exposes data about these log entries.
Backup policy
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}/backuppolicies?sync={sync}
Get all backup policies of a server. |
Servers in data center
Billing cycle operations
API | Description |
GET v1/billingcycles
Get all billing cycles. |
GET v1/billingcycles/{billingCycleId}
Get a billing cycle. |
Billing data is generated automatically by a process that runs daily.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billing?includeNext={includeNext}
Returns a list of available billing dates for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billing/{date}?useForecasting={useForecasting}
Returns the billing data for the specified date. If the date is in the future, simulated billing data will be generated. |
Status report delivery configurations enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs
Get billing data delivery configs of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Get a billing data delivery config |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs
Create a billing data delivery config |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Save changes to a billing data delivery config |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Delete a billing data delivery config |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/billingdatadeliveryconfigs/verify?postUrl={postUrl}
Verify a post URL by sending a post request |
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/brand
Get the brand configuration for a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/brand
Create a brand configuration for a business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/brand
Update existing brand settings. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/brand
Delete a business unit's brand settings. |
Business units make up the heirarchical center of data in Cloutility. Their goal is to represent companies, divisions or any other meaningful entity or logical group.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits?bunitId={bunitId}
Returns the descendant tree of the active profile's business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/movedestinations
Returns a tree containing all possible destinations a business unit can be moved to |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/bunits
Get business units directly related to a specific business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/ancestors
Get the path from the active business unit to the current user's business unit - both included. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/provider
Returns the first ancestor of the requesting business unit that has a contract. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/supportresponsible
Get the business unit responsible for supporting the provided business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/bunits?deleteReferrals={deleteReferrals}
Add a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}
Get a single business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/latestReportTime
Returns a timestamp for when the status report of the business unit was last updated |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}
Update business unit. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}?deleteChildren={deleteChildren}&deleteConsumers={deleteConsumers}&deleteServers={deleteServers}&anonymize={anonymize}
Delete a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/locknodeinformation
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/locknodeinformation
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/availableServerTypes
Get types of servers owned by business unit or it's ancestors. |
Client options (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}/clientoptions?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get all options of a client option set |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}/clientoptions/{clientOptionId}
Get a single client option. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}/clientoptions
Create a client option on a client option set. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}/clientoptions/{clientOptionId}
Update a client option. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}/clientoptions/{clientOptionId}
Delete client option. |
ClientOptionName operations
API | Description |
GET v1/clientOptionNames
Get all ClientOptionNames available in the system. |
GET v1/clientOptionNames/{clientOptionNameId}
Get a specific ClientOptionName. |
Client options sets (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get all COSs of server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/defaultserver/clientoptionsets
Get all default COSs for when creating nodes for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}
Get a single COS. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets
Create a COS on a server. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}
Update a COS. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/clientoptionsets/{clientOptionSetId}
Delete COS. |
Cohesity data-sources
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedCohesityHosts
Get all primary Cohesity data-sources located on servers of the business unit that are not assigned to a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedCohesityHosts?bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Assign a list of primary Cohesity data-sources to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cohesityTenants
Get secondary Cohesity data-sources related to data-sources of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cohesityTenants
Assign a list of secondary Cohesity data-sources to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cohesitydatasource
Get a Cohesity data-source related to a consumption unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cohesitydatasource
Update the information of a Cohesity data-source |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cohesitydatasource
Unassign a Cohesity data-source from a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cohesitydatasource/cohesityTenants
Get secondary data-sources related to a data-source |
Cohesity servers in data center
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers
Get all Cohesity servers related to a data center. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers/{CohesityServerId}
Get a single server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/defaultrubrikserver
Get the default server of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/fallbackrubrikserver
Get the fallback server of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers
Create a new server and starts a synchronization process. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers/{CohesityServerId}/sync
Force synchronization with the SP environment. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers/{CohesityServerId}
Update a server. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers/{CohesityServerId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers/{CohesityServerId}?deleteDataSources={deleteDataSources}
Delete a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cohesityservers/{CohesityServerId}/logs
Get logs of a server |
Cohesity data-sources
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cohesitydatasource/restorepoints
Get all Cohesity snapshots related to a data-source |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cohesitydatasource/restorepoints?snapshotId={snapshotId}
Get a snapshot related to a Cohesity data-source |
Get comments of a consumption unit
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/comments
Create multiple comments (from form-data). |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/comments
Create a comment. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/comments/{commentId}
Get a single comment. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/comments?includeDetails={includeDetails}&types[0]={types[0]}&types[1]={types[1]}
Get all comments of a consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/comments/{commentId}
Delete a comment. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/comments/{commentId}
Update a comment. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/comments/{commentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
Download an attachment of a comment |
Node comment types
API | Description |
GET v1/commenttypes
Get all comment types available in the system. |
GET v1/commenttypes/{commentTypeId}
Get a specific comment type |
Information on how well a business unit has met it's SLA within a given month
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/complianceReports?year={year}&month={month}&format={format}
Get the compliance report of a specified month |
Information on how well a business unit has met it's SLA within a given month
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/complianceSummaries?recalculate={recalculate}
Get all summaries of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/complianceSummaries/{year}/{month}?recalculate={recalculate}
Get the summary of a specified month |
Template for A business unit can upload invoice files to Cloutility for its customers to download
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/ComplianceTemplate/download
Returns template file for compliance report |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/ComplianceTemplate
Returns true if business unit has own template |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/ComplianceTemplate
Upload a template for compliance report |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/ComplianceTemplate
Delete a template for compliance report |
A console query is a saved IBM Storage Protect query that can be used by all users of a business unit
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consolequeries
Get all console queries of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consolequeries/{consoleQueryId}
Get a console query |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consolequeries/{consoleQueryId}
Delete a console query |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consolequeries
Create a console query |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consolequeries/{consoleQueryId}
Update a console query |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consolequeries/{consoleQueryId}
Update a console query |
Consumption units are a representation and relation between data-sources and business units.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers?includeDescendants={includeDescendants}
Get all consumption units of the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}
Get a single consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/count
Get count of all consumption units of the business unit |
GET v1/consumers/{consumerId}
Get details for a single (accessible) consumption unit (regardless of which business unit it's related to) |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}
Update the information of a consumption unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers
Add a consumption unit to a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/multiple
Add a list of consumption units to a business unit. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}?deleteAssociations={deleteAssociations}&unassignSecondaryDataSources={unassignSecondaryDataSources}&deletionComment={deletionComment}
Delete a consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/destinations
A list of business units that are possible targets for moving a consumption unit. |
POST v1/consumerdestinations
A list of business units that are possible targets for moving a list of consumption units. |
POST v1/supportstatus?supportStatusId={supportStatusId}
Update support status of the consumption unit for the current date |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/nodatasources?includeDescendants={includeDescendants}
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/events
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/activities
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/suggestedbucketname
If creating an S3 bucket for a consumption unit and auto-generated name is used, this is a preview of what it will be. |
Reports contain information about the hypervisor, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get reports for a consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}
Get report for a specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Returns the latest report for the consumption unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/reports/first?userId={userId}
Returns the first report for the specified consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/reports/{reportDate}/send?subscriptionId={subscriptionId}
Send a backup node report to the recipients of a backup node report delivery configuration. |
Contract hold information about the economical aspects between a business unit and its ancestor
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract
Get the contract for a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract
Create a contract for a business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract
Update existing contract. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract
Delete a business unit's contract. |
Exceptions to the contract of the business unit
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract/exceptions
Get a list of all contract exceptions for the contract of the given business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract/exceptions/{exceptionId}
Get an exception for a contract of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract/exceptions
Create an exception |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract/exceptions/{exceptionId}
Update an exception |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contract/exceptions/{exceptionId}
Delete an exception from a contract |
Cos Accounts on Cos server or related to business unit
Credentials for a COS account
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosaccounts/{cosAccountId}/cosaccountcredentials
Get all credentials related to a COS account |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosaccounts/{cosAccountId}/cosaccountcredentials
Get / Create new COS account credentials. These will be created on the IBM COS server and represented with a secret key |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosaccounts/{cosAccountId}/cosaccountcredentials/{cosAccountCredentialsId}
Delete COS account credentials. This will also delete the credentials on the IBM COS server and render them unusable. |
Cos buckets
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedcosbuckets
Get all buckets located on Cos servers of the business unit that are not assigned to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/deletedcosbuckets
Get all buckets located on Cos servers of the business unit where the consumption unit has been deleted |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedcosbuckets
When posting a Cos bucket to unassigned buckets it will be released from the current consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosbucketstodelete
Delete buckets from Cos server |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedcosbuckets?bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Assign a list of Cos buckets to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cosbucket
Get a bucket related to a consumption unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cosbucket
Update the information of a bucket |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cosbucket
Add a bucket to a consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cosbucket
Unassign a bucket from a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/cosbucket/unarchive
Unarchive a deleted Cos bucket |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosaccounts/{CosAccountId}/cosbuckets
Get all buckets related to a an assigned COS account |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{CosServerId}/cosaccounts/{CosAccountId}/cosbuckets
Get all buckets related to a Cos Account |
Presets for Cos buckets
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosbucketpresets
Get all Cos bucket presets of business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosbucketpresets/{cosBucketPresetId}
Get a single Cos bucket preset |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosbucketpresets
Create a new Cos bucket preset |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosbucketpresets/{cosBucketPresetId}?updateMethod={updateMethod}
Update a Cos bucket preset. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosbucketpresets/{cosBucketPresetId}
Delete a Cos bucket preset. |
Cos servers in data center
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers
Get all Cos servers related to a data center. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}
Get a single server. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers
Create a new server and starts a synchronization process. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}/sync
Force synchronization with the SP environment. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}
Update a server. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}?deleteDataSources={deleteDataSources}
Delete a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}/logs
Get logs of a server |
Vaults on Cos server
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}/cosvaults
Get all Cos Vaults related to a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosvaults
Get all Cos Vaults available to a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}/cosvaults/{cosVaultId}
Get a single Vault. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/cosservers/{cosServerId}/cosvaults/{cosVaultId}
Save a Vault. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosvaultfilters
Get all Cos Vault filters |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/cosvaultfilters/{cosVaultFilterId}
Update a Cos Vault filter |
Country operations
API | Description |
GET v1/countries
Get all countries. |
GET v1/countries/{countryId}
Get a specific country. |
Billing cycle operations
API | Description |
GET v1/currencies?bunitId={bunitId}
Get all billing cycles. |
GET v1/currencies/{currencyId}?billingCycleId={billingCycleId}
Get a billing cycle. |
Data centers
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters?includeDescendants={includeDescendants}
Get all data centers of a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/availabledatacenters
Get all data centers with servers assignable to the business unit by the user. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}
Get a single data center. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters
Create a data center. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}
Update a data center. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}
Delete a data center. |
Data view operations
API | Description |
GET v1/dataviews
Get all data views. |
GET v1/dataviews/{dataViewId}
Get a specific data view. |
Status report delivery configurations enable sending emails when new reports are available.
Nodes are backup clients (has SP commands)
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/deleteprocesses/{deleteProcessId}/reset
Reset a deletion process for either a backup node or a file space |
Deletion requests
Deletion requests
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings
Get all deletion request settings of the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings/{deleteRequestSettingsId}
Get deletion request settings relevant to the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings/inherited
Get all deletion request settings inherited by the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings/possibledates?typeId={typeId}
Get deletion request settings relevant to the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings?allowLessRestrictive={allowLessRestrictive}
Add deletion request settings to a business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings/{deleteRequestSettingsId}?allowLessRestrictive={allowLessRestrictive}
Update deletion request settings. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/DeleteRequestSettings/{deleteRequestSettingsId}
Delete a deletion request |
Domains (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/domains?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get all domains of a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/defaultserver/domains
Get all default domains for when creating nodes for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/domains/{domainId}
Get a single domain. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/domains
Create a domain on a server. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/domains/{domainId}
Update a domain. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/domains/{domainId}
Delete domain. |
API | Description |
GET v1/download/{downloadGuid}
Download a file anonymously using a supplied one-time download GUID |
Duration unit operations
API | Description |
GET v1/durationUnits
Get all Duration units available in the system. |
GET v1/durationUnits/{DurationUnitId}
Get a specific Duration unit. |
Event duration settings
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/eventDurationSetting
Get settings of a datacenter. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/eventDurationSetting
Create settings for a datacenter |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/eventDurationSetting
Update settings of a datacenter. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/eventDurationSetting
Delete settings of a datacenter |
Endpoints used to export various data sets
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/export/serverlist?serverId={serverId}
OBSOLETE: Use bunit/{id}/export endpoint |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/export/nodelist?serverId={serverId}
OBSOLETE: Use bunit/{id}/export endpoint |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/export/datagrowth?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
OBSOLETE: Use bunit/{id}/export endpoint |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/export/invoicereceivers?getList={getList}
OBSOLETE: Use bunit/{id}/export endpoint |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/export
Get various exports from Cloutility |
Export data subscriptions enable sending emails with export data.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions?compliance={compliance}
Get all export data subscriptions of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions/{exportDataSubscriptionId}
Get an export data subscription |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions
Create an export data subscription for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions/{exportDataSubscriptionId}
Update an export data subscription |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions/{exportDataSubscriptionId}?deliveryConfigId={deliveryConfigId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions/{exportDataSubscriptionId}
Delete an export data subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions/{exportDataSubscriptionId}/send
Send a subscription |
Accessing file spaces of a backup node
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/filespaces?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get all file spaces belonging to a specific backup node |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmfilespaces
Get all VM file spaces related to nodes of the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmfilespaces/{filespaceId}?vmFilespaceId={vmFilespaceId}
Get a VM file space related to a backup node of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmfilespaces
Assign a VM file space to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace
Get a VM file space of a consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace
Unassign a VM file space from a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/datamover
Get datamover of VM file space |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/datamover
Unassign a VM file space from a datamover |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/filespacestodelete
Get all file spaces with approved deletion requests |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/filespacestodelete?filespaceIds[0]={filespaceIds[0]}&filespaceIds[1]={filespaceIds[1]}
Delete file spaces from the IBM Storage Protect server |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/filespaces/{filespaceId}/renamefilespace?newName={newName}
Rename file space on the IBM Storage Protect server |
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor
Get a hypervisor related to a consumption unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedhypervisors?bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Assign a list of hypervisors to a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor
Update the information of a hypervisor |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor
Unassign a hypervisor from a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedhypervisors
Get all hypervisors located on IBM Storage Protect Plus servers of the business unit that are not assigned to a business unit |
****** DEPRECATED, please use consumption unit report endpoint ****** Reports contain information about the hypervisor, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get reports for a hyper visor |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}
Returns the report for the hypervisor on the specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Returns the latest report for the specified hypervisor. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor/reports/first?userId={userId}
Returns the first report for the specified hypervisor. |
Identity provides used for logging in
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders
Get a list of all identity providers the business unit has created |
GET v1/publicIdentityProviders
Get a list of all public identity providers |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders/available
A list of all the identity providers available for a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders/{identityProviderId}
Get an identity provider |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders
Create an identity provider |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders/{identityProviderId}/certificate
Upload a certificate to an identity provider |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders/{identityProviderId}/users
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders/{identityProviderId}
Update an identity provider |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/identityproviders/{identityProviderId}
Delete an identity provider |
Billing data is generated automatically by a process that runs daily.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/invoices
Returns a list of available invoices for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/invoices/{date}
Returns the invoice for the specified date. If the date is in the future, simulated billing data will be generated. |
Invoice files contain real world invoices. A business unit can upload invoice files to Cloutility for its customers to download
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/invoicefiles
Returns a list of available invoice files for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/invoicefiles/{filename}?downloadUrl={downloadUrl}
Returns an invoice file. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/invoicefiles?erpReference={erpReference}&sendToBillingAddress={sendToBillingAddress}
Upload an invoice file |
Information about jobs done for a consumption unit
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/jobs?startTime={startTime}&endTime={endTime}
Get a list of all jobs related to a consumption unit. By default, the list will be limited to jobs which have occurred within the last 24 hours |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobs?jobViewId={jobViewId}
Get a list of all jobs related to a business unit (and descendants). |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/jobs/first
Get first job of a consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobs/first
Get first job of a consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/jobs/latest
Get latest job of a consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobs/latest
Get latest job of a consumption unit |
POST v1/Jobsupportstatus?supportStatusId={supportStatusId}
Update support status of jobs |
Job delivery configurations outlines what should be included in job subscriptions
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobdeliveryconfig
Get the default job delivery config of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobdeliveryconfig
Create a job delivery config for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobdeliveryconfig
Update a job delivery config |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobdeliveryconfig
Delete a job delivery config |
Status report delivery configurations outlines what should be included in status report subscriptions
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobincidentconfig
Get the default status report delivery config of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobincidentconfig
Create a status report delivery config for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobincidentconfig
Update a status report delivery config |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobincidentconfig
Delete a status report delivery config |
JobName operations
API | Description |
GET v1/jobnames
Get all job names. |
GET v1/jobnames/{jobNameId}
Get a specific JobName. |
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/JobQueue
Add consumption units to job queue |
Job error configurations are used to determine what jobs should be included in sent out emails.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobSeverityConfig
Get the default job error config of the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/jobSeverityConfig
Get job error config of user |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobSeverityConfig
Create a job error config for a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/jobSeverityConfig
Create job error config for user |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobSeverityConfig
Update a job error config |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/jobSeverityConfig
Update job error config of user |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobSeverityConfig
Delete a job error config |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/jobSeverityConfig
Delete a job error config |
Job subscriptions enable sending emails when new jobs match the configuration of the subscription.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions
Get all job subscriptions of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions/{jobSubscriptionId}
Get a job subscription |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions
Create a job subscription for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions/{jobSubscriptionId}
Update a job subscription |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions/{jobSubscriptionId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions/{jobSubscriptionId}
Delete a job subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions/{jobSubscriptionId}/send?resetPeriod={resetPeriod}
Send subscription with current applicable jobs |
Information about jobs done for a consumption unit
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobviews?includeAncestors={includeAncestors}
Get a list of all job views related to the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobviews/{jobViewId}
Get a job view |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobviews
Create a job view |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobviews/{jobViewId}
Edit a job view |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobviews/{jobViewId}
Delete a job view |
Language operations
API | Description |
GET v1/translationkeys
Get all keys used for translations. |
POST v1/translationkeys
Create a new translation key. |
DELETE v1/translationkeys/{translationKeyId}
Delete a translation key. Only inactive keys can be deleted. |
GET v1/languages
Get available languages. |
GET v1/languages/{languageId}
Get a language. |
POST v1/languages
Create a new language. |
PUT v1/languages/{languageId}
Update a language. |
A license is needed to have the system functioning properly It can either be fetched from license server or entered manually
API | Description |
GET v1/license?retrieve={retrieve}
Get the current license of the system |
GET v1/modules
Get the current license of the system |
POST v1/license?encryptedLicense={encryptedLicense}
Set the license manually |
Management classes
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/policySets/{policySetId}/managementClasses
Get management classes of policy set |
Microsoft 365 accounts
****** DEPRECATED, please use consumption unit report endpoint ****** Reports contain information about the account, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365account/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get reports for a account |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365account/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}
Returns the report for a account on the specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365account/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Returns the latest report for the specified account. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365account/reports/first?userId={userId}
Returns the first report for the specified VM. |
Restore points of a given Microsoft 365 account
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365account/restorepoints
Get restore points related to a Microsoft 365 account |
Microsoft 365 tenant
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant
Get a Microsoft 365 tenant related to a consumption unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedMicrosoft365Tenants?bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Assign a list of Microsoft 365 tenants to a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant
Update the information of a Microsoft 365 tenant |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant
Unassign a Microsoft 365 tenant from a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedMicrosoft365Tenants
Get all Microsoft 365 tenants located on servers of the business unit that are not assigned to a business unit |
****** DEPRECATED, please use consumption unit report endpoint ****** Reports contain information about the tenant, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get reports for a hyper visor |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}
Returns the report for the tenant on the specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Returns the latest report for the specified tenant. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/microsoft365tenant/reports/first?userId={userId}
Returns the first report for the specified tenant. |
S3 bucket naming rules determines how buckets are named on an S3 server
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/s3namingrule
Get naming rule for business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/inheriteds3namingrule
Get inherited naming rule for business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/s3namingrule
Create a naming rule. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/s3namingrule
Updates an existing naming rule. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/s3namingrule
Deletes a naming rule. |
Nodes are backup clients (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get a specific node belonging to the consumption unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node
Add a backup node to a consumption unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node?deleteAssociations={deleteAssociations}
Delete a backup node belonging to a consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodestodelete?nodeIds[0]={nodeIds[0]}&nodeIds[1]={nodeIds[1]}
Delete backup nodes from the IBM Storage Protect server. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node
Update a backup node. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/password
Update the password for a backup node. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/lockstate
Update the lock state of a backup node. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/spname
Gets the name that could be used when activating |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/activate?tsmName={tsmName}
Activates a backup node on the IBM Storage Protect server |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/inactivenodes
Activate a list of inactive nodes |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/inactivenodes
Get all consumers with inactive nodes on business units in the hierarchy |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/unarchive
Unarchive a deleted node |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tsmnodes?syncStateTypeId={syncStateTypeId}&bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Change the SyncState for a list of nodes. The status can be changed in the following ways: |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tsmnodes/{nodeId}
Get a specific node managed by the business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tsmnodes/{nodeId}?unassignedNodeId={unassignedNodeId}
Reconnect a missing node by merging it with an unassigned node. The unassigned node will be deleted and the merged node's SyncState will be set to Synchronized. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/bci
Get the configuration for installing the backup client software on a backup node. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/proxyagents
Get all the backup nodes that are proxy agent for the current backup node |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/proxyagents?proxyAgentId={proxyAgentId}
Create a proxy relation between a backup node and a proxy agent backup node |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/proxyagents/{proxyAgentId}
Remove a proxy relation between a backup node and an proxy agent backup node |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/proxytargets
Get all the backup nodes that are proxy targets for the current backup node |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/proxytargets?proxyTargetId={proxyTargetId}
Create a proxy relation between a backup node and a proxy target backup node |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/proxytargets/{proxyTargetId}
Remove a proxy relation between a backup node and an proxy target backup node |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/possibleproxynodes
Get a list of backup nodes that can be set as proxy agents of targets to the current backup node |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/replicationnode?name={name}&deleteReplicationNode={deleteReplicationNode}
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/availableForMerge
Get all backup nodes in the hierarchy that are available for merge |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes?includeDescendants={includeDescendants}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}?deleteAssociations={deleteAssociations}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}/activate?tsmName={tsmName}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
Rules for what parameters should be used when a backup node is activated on an IBM Storage Protect server
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeactivationrules
Get all backup node activation rules of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeactivationrules/{nodeActivationRuleId}
Get a backup node activation rule |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeactivationrules/{nodeActivationRuleId}
Delete a backup node activation rule |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeactivationrules
Create a backup node activation rule |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeactivationrules/{nodeActivationRuleId}
Update a backup node activation rule |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeactivationrules/{nodeActivationRuleId}
Update a backup node activation |
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeAssignmentFilters
Create a filter for assigning backup nodes to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeAssignmentFilters/{nodeAssignmentFilterId}
Get a single backup node assignment filter |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeAssignmentFilters
Get a list of all backup node assignment filters owned by business unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeAssignmentFilters/{nodeAssignmentFilterId}
Deletes a backup node assignment filter |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeAssignmentFilters/{nodeAssignmentFilterId}
Update a single backup node assignment filter |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodeAssignmentFilters/{nodeAssignmentFilterId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodedeletionrule
Get backup node deletion rule for business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodedeletionrule
Updates the deletion rules. |
Node groups can be used on SP to group nodes (has SP commands)
Backup node naming rules determines how backup nodes are named on an IBM Storage Protect server upon activation
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodenamingrule
Get naming rule for business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/inheritednodenamingrule
Get inherited naming rule for business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodenamingrule
Create a naming rule. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodenamingrule
Updates an existing naming rule. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodenamingrule
Deletes a naming rule. |
Operating System operations
API | Description |
GET v1/nodeoperatingsystems
Get all operating systems available in the system. |
GET v1/nodeoperatingsystems/{nodeOperatingSystemId}
Get a specific operating system. |
PUT v1/nodeoperatingsystems/{nodeOperatingSystemId}
Update the short name of an operating system |
OS level operations
API | Description |
GET v1/nodeoslevels
Get all OS levels available in the system. |
GET v1/nodeoslevels/{nodeOsLevelId}
Get a specific OS level. |
Rules for how passwords are set on backup nodes
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodepasswordrule
Get password rule for business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/inheritednodepasswordrule
Get inherited password rule for business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodepasswordrule
Create a password rule. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodepasswordrule
Updates an existing password rule. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodepasswordrule
Deletes a password rule. |
Node platform operations
API | Description |
GET v1/nodeplatforms
Get all node platforms available in the system. |
GET v1/nodeplatforms/{nodePlatformId}
Get a specific node platform. |
****** DEPRECATED, please use consumption unit report endpoint ****** Node reports contain information about the backup node, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get reports for a backup node |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}&logLevel={logLevel}
Returns the backup node report for the backup node on the specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/reports/latest?userId={userId}&logLevel={logLevel}
Returns the latest node report for the specified node. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/reports/first?userId={userId}&logLevel={logLevel}
Returns the first node report for the specified node. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/reports/{reportDate}/send?subscriptionId={subscriptionId}
Send a backup node report to the recipients of a backup node report delivery configuration. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}&logLevel={logLevel}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}/reports/latest?userId={userId}&logLevel={logLevel}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}/reports/first?userId={userId}&logLevel={logLevel}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodes/{nodeId}/reports/{reportDate}/send?subscriptionId={subscriptionId}
OBSOLETE: Nodes are no longer directly related to business unit. |
Status report delivery configurations enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodedeliveryconfig
Get node report delivery configs of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodedeliveryconfig
Create a node report delivery config |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodedeliveryconfig
Save changes to a node report delivery config |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/nodedeliveryconfig
Delete a node report delivery config |
Report error configurations determine when reported warnings are considered errors. Privileged users can create their own configuration while business units can set up a default configuration.
Node report subscriptions enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/nodereportsubscriptions
Get all node report subscribers for a backup node |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/nodereportsubscriptions/{nodeReportSubscriptionId}
Get a backup node report subscription |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/nodereportsubscriptions
Create a subscribtion for the backup node reports of a backup node |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/nodereportsubscriptions/{nodeReportSubscriptionId}
Update a backup node report subscription |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/nodereportsubscriptions/{nodeReportSubscriptionId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/nodereportsubscriptions/{nodeReportSubscriptionId}
Delete a backup node report subscription |
Node status operations
API | Description |
GET v1/syncstates
Get all available synchronization states. |
GET v1/syncstates/{syncStateId}
Get a specific synchronization state object. |
SP client version operations
API | Description |
GET v1/nodetsmclientversions
Get all client version available in the system. |
GET v1/nodetsmclientversions/{nodeTsmClientVersionId}
Get a specific client version. |
Node type operations
API | Description |
GET v1/nodetypes
Get all node types available in the system. |
GET v1/nodetypes/{nodeTypeId}
Get a specific node type. |
PUT v1/nodetypes/{nodeTypeId}
Update the short name of a backup node type |
Password rule type operations
API | Description |
GET v1/passwordruletypes
Get all password rule types. |
GET v1/passwordruletypes/{passwordRuleTypeId}
Get a password rule type. |
Payment terms
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/paymentterms
Get all payment terms created by a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/availablepaymentterms
Get payment terms available for a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/paymentterms/{paymentTermsId}
Get a specific payment terms instance belonging to the business unit. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/paymentterms/{paymentTermsId}
Delete a payment terms resource. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/paymentterms
Add a payment terms to a business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/paymentterms/{paymentTermsId}
Update a payment terms. |
Period unit operations
API | Description |
GET v1/periodUnits
Get all period units available in the system. |
GET v1/periodUnits/{periodUnitId}
Get a specific period unit. |
PoINT buckets
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedpointbuckets
Get all buckets located on PoINT servers of the business unit that are not assigned to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/deletedpointbuckets
Get all buckets located on PoINT servers of the business unit where the consumption unit has been deleted |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedpointbuckets
When posting a PoINT bucket to unassigned buckets it will be released from the current consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointbucketstodelete
Delete buckets from PoINT server |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedpointbuckets?bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Assign a list of PoINT buckets to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/pointbucket
Get a bucket related to a consumption unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/pointbucket
Update the information of a bucket |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/pointbucket
Add a bucket to a consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/pointbucket
Unassign a bucket from a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/pointbucket/unarchive
Unarchive a deleted PoINT bucket |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointusers/{pointUserId}/pointbuckets
Get all buckets related to a an assigned PoINT user |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}/pointusers/{pointUserId}/pointbuckets
Get all buckets related to a PoINT user |
Presets for PoINT buckets
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointbucketpresets
Get all PoINT bucket presets of business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointbucketpresets/{pointBucketPresetId}
Get a single PoINT bucket preset |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointbucketpresets
Create a new PoINT bucket preset |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointbucketpresets/{pointBucketPresetId}?updateMethod={updateMethod}
Update a PoINT bucket preset. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointbucketpresets/{pointBucketPresetId}
Delete a PoINT bucket preset. |
Partitions on PoINT server
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}/pointpartitions
Get all Point partitions related to a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointpartitions
Get all PoINT partitions available to a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}/pointpartitions/{pointPartitionId}
Get a single partition. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}/pointpartitions/{pointPartitionId}
Save a partition. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointpartitionfilters
Get all PoINT partition filters |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/pointpartitionfilters/{pointPartitionFilterId}
Update a PoINT partition filter |
PoINT servers in data center
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers
Get all PoINT servers related to a data center. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}
Get a single server. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers
Create a new server and starts a synchronization process. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}/sync
Force synchronization with the SP environment. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}
Update a server. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}?deleteDataSources={deleteDataSources}
Delete a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/pointservers/{pointServerId}/logs
Get logs of a server |
PoINT users on PoINT server or related to business unit
Domains (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/policySets?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get policy sets of a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/policySets/{policySetId}
Get a policy set. |
Product operations
API | Description |
GET v1/invoicemethods
Returns all invoice methods. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/products?methodId={methodId}
Get all products available in the system. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/products/{productId}
Get a specific product relative to a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/products
Create a product |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/products/{productId}
Update a product |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/products/{productId}?deleteRelations={deleteRelations}
Delete a product |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/productcodes
Saves the supplied product codes for a business unit. This will overwrite any |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/productcodes/{productCodeId}
Quality groups
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/qualityGroups
Get all quality groups related to or inherited by a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/qualityGroups/{qualityGroupId}
Get a single quality group of a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/qualityGroups
Create a quality group. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/qualityGroups/{qualityGroupId}
Updates an existing quality group. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/qualityGroups/{qualityGroupId}?updatePartitionsToDefault={updatePartitionsToDefault}&deleteSubscriptionComponents={deleteSubscriptionComponents}
Delete a quality group. |
Referrals a business unit receives a fee for
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/referrals
Get all referrals of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/referrals/{referralId}
Get a referral of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/referrals
Create a referral |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/referrals/{referralId}
Save changes to referral. The relations of the referral can not be updated, only the content (percentage and expiration date) can be changed |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/referrals/{referralId}
Delete a referral |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/contractsiblings
A list of business units that can be the target of a referral. |
Remote activities
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/remoteActivity
Add a collection of remote activites to a consumption unit's report. For including local/client-side activities which aren't available on the backend server in consumption unit reports, e.g. for SAP HANA. |
API | Description |
POST v1/remotereports/{systemId}
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/remotereports/overview
Get an overview of latest remote reports for all descending business units |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/remotesystemversions
Report error configurations determine when reported warnings are considered errors. Privileged users can create their own configuration while business units can set up a default configuration.
API | Description |
GET v1/nodewarningtypes
GET v1/bunitwarningtypes
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reporterrorconfig
Get business unit's report error configuration. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/reporterrorconfig?getActiveConfig={getActiveConfig}
Get user's report error configuration. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reporterrorconfig
Add a new report error configuration for business unit. The new configuration will be inherited by the business unit's descendants but also override the business unit's currently inherited configuration. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/reporterrorconfig
Add report error configuration for user. This will override any default configuration and only affect the user. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reporterrorconfig
Save business unit report error configuration. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/reporterrorconfig
Save user report error configuration. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reporterrorconfig
Delete report error configuration for business unit. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/reporterrorconfig
Delete report error configuration for user. |
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/restorepoints
Get a restore points related to a VM of a consumer |
Domains (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/retentionRules?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get all retention rules of a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/retentionRules/{retentionRuleId}
Get a retention rule |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/availableretentionrules
Get retention rules a backup node can be assigned to |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/retentionRules
Get retention rules a backup node is assigned to |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/retentionRules
Get retention rules a VM file space is assigned to |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/retentionRules
Assign a backup node to a retention rule |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/retentionRules/{retentionRuleId}
Unassign a backup node from a retention rule |
Domains (has SP commands)
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/node/retentionSets
Get all retention sets of a backup node |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/retentionSets
Get all retention sets of an assigned file space |
Role API
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles?filterForUserId={filterForUserId}
Get all roles of a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/{roleId}?filterForUserId={filterForUserId}
Get a role |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/simple?filterForUserId={filterForUserId}
Get all roles of a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/rolesassignable
Get all roles assignable to a user in a specific business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles
Create a role. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/{roleId}
Update a role. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/{roleId}
Delete a role. |
GET v1/privileges
Get a list of privileges available to the user. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/{roleId}/usercount
Get the count of users who have the role assigned |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/{roleId}/users
Get the users who have the role assigned |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/roles/{roleId}/swaprole?newRoleId={newRoleId}
Swap role for all users of role |
Rubrik data-sources
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedprimaryrubrikdatasources
Get all primary Rubrik data-sources located on servers of the business unit that are not assigned to a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedprimaryrubrikdatasources?bunitIdToLink={bunitIdToLink}
Assign a list of primary Rubrik data-sources to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/secondaryrubrikdatasources
Get secondary Rubrik data-sources related to data-sources of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/secondaryrubrikdatasources
Assign a list of secondary Rubrik data-sources to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource
Get a Rubrik data-source related to a consumption unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource
Update the information of a Rubrik data-source |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource
Unassign a Rubrik data-source from a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource/secondaryrubrikdatasources
Get secondary data-sources related to a data-source |
Rubrik data-sources
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource/filesets
Get filesets of a data-source related to a consumption unit |
Rubrik fileset templates
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/rubrikservers/{rubrikServerId}/filesettemplates?sync={sync}
Get fileset templates of a Rubrik server |
Rubrik request
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource/request
Get information about latest request if any |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource/request?forceFullSnapshot={forceFullSnapshot}
Initiate new request for backup of the data-source |
Rubrik servers in data center
Rubrik snapshots
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource/restorepoints
Get all snapshots of the data-source |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/rubrikdatasource/restorepoints/{snapshotId}/restore
Initiate new request for restore of the data-source |
Saml operations.
API | Description |
GET v1/saml/{identityProviderGuid}
POST v1/saml/{identityProviderGuid}
Checks if the SAML-assertion returned from the IdP is valid and matches a user, redirects to sign-in page with appropriate query. |
Schedules (has SP commands)
Schedule binding enables restriction of associations between backup nodes schedules based on schedule names and backup node types.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/schedulebindings
Get all data centers of a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/schedulebindings/{bindingId}
Get a single schedule binding. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/schedulebindings
Create a schedule binding. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/schedulebindings/{bindingId}
Update a schedule binding. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/schedulebindings/{bindingId}
Delete a schedule binding. |
API | Description |
GET v1/search/bunits?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of business units with names or ERP reference in their contract matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/consumers?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of consumption units with name or IDs matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/unassignednodes?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of unassigned items with names matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/deletednodes?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of nodes previously related to now deleted consumption units with names matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/deleteddatasources?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of data sources previously related to now deleted consumption units with names matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/unassigneddatasources?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of unassigned data-sources with names matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/users?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of users with names and/or email addresses matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/deleterequests?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of deletion requests with information matching the search term. |
GET v1/search/emailSubscribers?searchTerm={searchTerm}&bunitId={bunitId}
Returns a list of email subscriptions with an email addresses matching the search term. |
Server credentials
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/credentials
Returns all credentials for a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/credentials
Returns a user's keychain, i.e. all server credentials for a user. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/credentials?userId={userId}
Add a new set of server credentials to a server and a user's keychain. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/credentials/{credentialsId}
Update a set of credentials. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/credentials/{credentialsId}
Delete a set of credentials. |
Server report delivery configurations enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs
Get all server report delivery configs of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Get a server report delivery config |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs
Create a new server report delivery config |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}/send
Send latest report related to server report delivery config |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Save information about server report delivery config |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/serverdeliveryconfigs/{deliveryConfigId}
Delete a server report delivery config |
Information about SLA for business unit
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/sla
Get the default SLA of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/sla
Create an SLA for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/sla
Update an SLA |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/sla
Delete an SLA |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/slafordescendants
Get the SLA of the business unit used for its descendants |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/slafordescendants
Create an SLA for a business unit for descendants |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/slafordescendants
Update an SLA for descendants |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/slafordescendants
Delete an SLA for descendants |
Rubrik SLA domain
SMTP settings used when sending emails regarding the business unit and its descendants
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/smtp
Get all outgoing email (SMTP) settings for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/smtp/{smtpId}
Get a single set of outgoing email (SMTP) settings of a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/smtp
Create outgoing email (SMTP) settings for a business unit. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/smtp/{smtpId}
Update outgoing email (SMTP) settings. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/smtp/{smtpId}
Delete an outgoing email (SMTP) setting. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/smtp/verify
Verify outgoing email (SMTP) settings by connecting to SMTP server and sending a test email. |
IBM Storage Protect Plus servers in data center
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers
Get all IBM Storage Protect Plus servers related to a data center. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}
Get a single server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/defaultspplusserver
Get the default server of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/fallbackspplusserver
Get the fallback server of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers
Create a new server and starts a synchronization process. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}/sync
Force synchronization with the SP environment. |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}
Update a server. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}?deleteDataSources={deleteDataSources}
Delete a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spplusservers/{spPlusServerId}/logs
Get logs of a server |
Servers in data center
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers
Get all servers related to a data center. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}
Get a single server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/defaultserver
Get the default server of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/fallbackserver
Get the fallback server of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/AvailableSpServers
Get a list of IBM Storage Protect servers avaiable to the user |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/managedtsm?syncStateType={syncStateType}
Returns all IBM Storage Protect servers managed by a business unit with their respective domains and backup nodes included. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers
Create a new server and starts a synchronization process. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/sync
Force synchronization with the SP environment. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/resetnodes
Set all SP Node IDs to null |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}
Update a server. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}?deleteDataSources={deleteDataSources}
Delete a server. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/logs
Get logs of a server |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/servererrors?includeDescendants={includeDescendants}
Get a list of all servers that have had errors during synchronization with Cloutility |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/overlapinfo
Get information about how much overlap should be used |
Status reports contain information about data usage and nodes for a business unit. Status reports can have information about nodes owned by the business unit itself, owned by children or both (internal, resale or combined) Generally they will be customied to the user performing the request.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reports?type={type}
Get all status reports of the business unit. Use these to see development over time in summary details like data usage or nodes. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}&viewId={viewId}&logLevel={logLevel}
Get status report for a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reports/{reportDate}/send?subscriptionId={subscriptionId}&includeIncidents={includeIncidents}
Send a status report to the recipients of a status subscription. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Get the latest status report of the business unit. |
Status report delivery configurations outlines what should be included in status report subscriptions
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusconsumptionunitdeliveryconfig
Get the default status report delivery config of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusconsumptionunitdeliveryconfig
Create a status report delivery config for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusconsumptionunitdeliveryconfig
Update a status report delivery config |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusconsumptionunitdeliveryconfig
Delete a status report delivery config |
Status report delivery configurations outlines what should be included in status report subscriptions
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusdeliveryconfig
Get the default status report delivery config of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusdeliveryconfig
Create a status report delivery config for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusdeliveryconfig
Update a status report delivery config |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusdeliveryconfig
Delete a status report delivery config |
Status report email content outlines what texts should be in status reports
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportemailcontent
Get the default status report email content of the business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportemailcontent
Create status report email content for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportemailcontent
Update status report email content |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportemailcontent
Delete status report email content |
Status report subscriptions enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions
Get all status report subscriptions of a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions/{statusReportSubscriptionId}
Get a status report subscription |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions
Create a status report subscription for a business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions/{statusReportSubscriptionId}
Update a status report subscription |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions/{statusReportSubscriptionId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions/{statusReportSubscriptionId}
Delete a status report subscription |
Status report views contain configurations for how status reports are viewed. They can be used by all users of the business unit they are related to
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportviews
Get a list of all status report views created by the business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportviews/{statusReportViewId}
Get a single status report view related to a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportviews
Create a status report view |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportviews/{statusReportViewId}
Update a status report view |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportviews/{statusReportViewId}
Delete a status report view |
Servers in data center
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/datacenters/{dataCenterId}/spservers/{spServerId}/storagepools?tsmSync={tsmSync}
Get all servers related to a data center. |
Subscriptions created by a business unit
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions
Get all subscriptions created by a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Get a subscription |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions
Create a subscription |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Update a subscription |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Delete a subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/assignedsubscriptions
Get all subscriptions a business unit is assigned |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/assignedsubscriptions
Assign a subscription |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/assignedsubscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Unassign a subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/unassignedsubscriptions
Get all subscriptions a business unit can be assigned. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/availablesubscriptions
Get a list of subscriptions that can be assigned to a contract for the given business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/subscribers
Get a list of business units that have a contract using the subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/exceptions
Get a list of contract exceptions that are the subscription |
Components of a subscription
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/components
Get all components of a subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/components/{componentId}
Get a single component |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/components
Create a component |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/components/{componentId}
Update a component |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/components/{componentId}
Delete a component |
Status report subscriptions enable sending emails when new reports are available.
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/statusreportsubscriptions/{statusReportSubscriptionId}/logs
Get all logs of a status report subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/exportDataSubscriptions/{exportDataSubscriptionId}/logs
Get all logs of a data export subscription |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/jobsubscriptions/{jobSubscriptionId}/logs
Get all logs of a job subscription |
Controller for information related to the system itself
API | Description |
GET v1/version
Get version of the assembly |
GET v1/fullversion
Returns the full version of the system stored in the system settings |
GET v1/latestimporttime
Returns the full version of the system stored in the system settings |
GET v1/latestjobcreationtime
Returns the full version of the system stored in the system settings |
GET v1/dedupstatsdays
Returns the number of days dedup stats are valid |
GET v1/loginmessage
Returns the message to display on the login page |
GET v1/PdfSupport
The system may support converting certain reports to PDF |
POST v1/system?action={action}
An end point for making changes that affects the entire system. |
GET v1/system/errors?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Get a list of unique errors that have occurred in the system within a time span |
GET v1/system/errors
Get a list of unique errors that have occurred in the system within the last day |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/errors?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&includeDescendants={includeDescendants}
Get a list of errors that have occurred within a time span that relates to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/errors
Get a list of errors that have occurred within a time span that relates to a business unit |
GET v1/versionhistory
Get a list of updates made to the system containing version and date |
GET v1/daemons
Get a list of daemons including information about latest runtime |
GET v1/daemons/{daemonId}
Get a daemon including a list of all sessions |
GET v1/daemons/{daemonId}/daemonSessions
Get a list of sessions of a daemon |
GET v1/daemons/{daemonId}/daemonSessions/{daemonSessionId}
Get a list of sessions of a daemon |
GET v1/daemons/{daemonId}/daemonSessions/{daemonSessionId}/daemonLogs
Get a list of sessions of a daemon |
Status report delivery configurations enable sending emails when new reports are available.
Manage global system settings. Changing these settings will affect the entire system.
API | Description |
GET v1/systemsettings
Returns all system settings. |
GET v1/systemsettings/{key}
Returns a specific system setting. |
GET v1/systemsettings/OAuthAllowed
Whether or not the system allows OAuth |
GET v1/systemsettings/MaxUploadSizeKb
Whether or not the system allows OAuth |
GET v1/systemsettings/PreventSendingAutomaticEmails
Whether or not the system sends automatic emails |
PUT v1/systemsettings/{key}
Updates the value of a system setting. |
Tags are used to filter business units when searching and viewing and sending out reports
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/own
Get the tags that are created by the current business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/own
Create a new tag |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/own/{tagId}
Update a tag |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/own/{tagId}
Delete a tag |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/available
Get a list of tags available to the user for assigning to business units. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/availablesubscriptions
Get a list of tags available for the business unit to add to a status report subscription. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags
Get the tags assigned to a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/tags
Get the tags assigned to a consumption unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags
Assign a tag to a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/tags
Assign a tag to a consumption unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/{tagId}
Unassign a tag from a business unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/tags/{tagId}
Unassign a tag from a consumption unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/own/{tagId}/consumers
Get a list of consumption units with a given tag |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tags/own/{tagId}/businessunits
Get a list of business units with a given tag |
Time zone operations
API | Description |
GET v1/timezones
Get all time zones. |
GET v1/timezones/{timeZoneId}
Get a specific time zone. |
GET v1/timezones/{timeZoneId}/offset?date={date}
Returns the timezone's offset in minutes. |
Information about how TOTP is required
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/totpsettings
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/totpsettings
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/totpsettings
API controller for SP requests.
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/tsmoperations?returnJson={returnJson}
Perform an SP API request. |
Operations for managing system users.
API | Description |
GET v1/me
Returns the user for the active profile (the authenticated user performing the request). |
POST v1/me/itemsperpage?itemsPerPage={itemsPerPage}
Update the setting for items per page for current user |
POST v1/me/groupbybusinessunit?groupByBusinessUnit={groupByBusinessUnit}
Update the setting for group by business unit for current user |
GET v1/me/jobtags
Get tags used for filtering job report |
POST v1/me/jobtags
Update all job tags of user |
DELETE v1/me/jobtags/{tagId}
Remove tag for list used to filter job report |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/password
Changes the password for a specific user. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/reset?appUrl={appUrl}&resetUrl={resetUrl}
Create a reset password request for a user. |
POST v1/reset?appUrl={appUrl}
Set a new password for a user, using a password reset token. |
POST v1/reset/{email}?appUrl={appUrl}&resetUrl={resetUrl}
Create a reset password request for a user with the specified email if he exists. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users
Get all users related to a business unit. |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users?appUrl={appUrl}&welcomeUrl={welcomeUrl}
Create a new user in a business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}?expand={expand}
Returns a user. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/deliveries
Get all deliveries for a user |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/deleterequestapprovercount
Get the number of delete request approvers for the provided business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/deleterequestapprovers
Get the delete request approvers for the provided business unit |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}
Updates the values of user resource. |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}
Updates only the supplied values of a user resource. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}?deleteSubscriptions={deleteSubscriptions}&anonymize={anonymize}
Deletes a user resource. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/movedestinations
Returns the business units that the user can be moved to |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/totp
Get a newly generated secret key for TOTP |
POST v1/maketotp
Create a secret key for a user |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/totp
When a secret key has been generated the user needs to confirm it before using it |
POST v1/verifytotp
When a secret key has been generated the user needs to confirm it before using it |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/users/{userId}/totp
Turn off time-based one-time password (TOTP) for the user |
****** DEPRECATED, please use consumption unit report endpoint ****** VirtualMachine reports contain information about the VM, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get all reports for a VM |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}
Returns the VM report for the VM on the specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Returns the latest VM report for the specified VM. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/reports/first?userId={userId}
Returns the first VM report for the specified VM. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/reports?virtualMachineId={virtualMachineId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
OBSOLETE: Virtual machines are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vmfilespace/reports/{reportDate}?virtualMachineId={virtualMachineId}&userId={userId}
OBSOLETE: Virtual machines are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmfilespace/{filespaceId}/reports/latest?virtualMachineId={virtualMachineId}&userId={userId}
OBSOLETE: Virtual machines are no longer directly related to business unit. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmfilespace/{filespaceId}/reports/first?virtualMachineId={virtualMachineId}&userId={userId}
OBSOLETE: Virtual machines are no longer directly related to business unit. |
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm
Get a VM related to a consumer |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/hypervisor/vms
Get VMs related to a hypervisor |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vms
Get VMs related to hypervisors of a business unit |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vms
Assign a VM to a business unit. |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm?deleteAssociations={deleteAssociations}
Unassign a VM from a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vms/{vmId}/destinations
Get possible move destinations |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/backuppolicies
Get backup policies assigned to a VM |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/availablebackuppolicies
Get backup policies available to a VM |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/backuppolicies
Assign a backup policy to a VM |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/backuppolicies/{backupPolicyId}
Unassign a backup policy from a VM |
API | Description |
POST v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmAssignmentFilters
Create a filter for assigning backup nodes to a business unit |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmAssignmentFilters/{vmAssignmentFilterId}
Get a single backup node assignment filter |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmAssignmentFilters
Get a list of all backup node assignment filters owned by business unit |
DELETE v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmAssignmentFilters/{vmAssignmentFilterId}
Deletes a backup node assignment filter |
PUT v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmAssignmentFilters/{vmAssignmentFilterId}
Update a single backup node assignment filter |
PATCH v1/bunits/{bunitId}/vmAssignmentFilters/{vmAssignmentFilterId}
Overwrites the resource's property values with the values specified in the delta object. |
****** DEPRECATED, please use consumption unit report endpoint ****** Reports contain information about the vm, its backups and status You can get the first and latest report to get information about when reports have been made Get all reports to display graphs of development for data
API | Description |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/reports?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status}&warnings={warnings}
Get reports for a vm |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/reports/{reportDate}?userId={userId}
Returns the report for a VM on the specified date. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/reports/latest?userId={userId}
Returns the latest report for the specified vm. |
GET v1/bunits/{bunitId}/consumers/{consumerId}/vm/reports/first?userId={userId}
Returns the first report for the specified VM. |